
Reunification of the family in Argentina
TheSapoczkowski familyis reunited after more than 120 years, thanks to the combinedresearch efforts of Daniel Paczkowski (Ancestral Tourism in Poland)and the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA). In March 2020Daniel’s skilled archival sleuthingled us to South America, where we discovered second-degree relativesalive and well in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Sundry travel documentsrevealed Nison Sapockowski (b. 1916), my mother's first cousin, fledBialystok in 1936, anticipating the unspeakable historical eventsthat were to follow. Nison left behind a largeextended family, whose fate rested entirely in the hands of Nazis andNazi collaborators. To the best of our knowledge, all perished by1943.